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Figure 2: Model results for TD density reduction in redirection reaction layer structure: (a) relative TD density for structures with initial density ρ0 = 1010cm-2 and representative values for the parameter ρ = 0.5 (1), 1 (2), 2 (3); (b) absolute TD density in case ρ = 1 and various initial densities ρ0=1010 (1), 109 (2), 108 (3) cm-2. For all plots the dislocation reaction parameter κ = 100 nm. The total layer thickness includes both redirection and reaction parts.
Figure 2: Model results for TD density reduction in redirection reaction layer structure: (a) relative TD density for structures with initial density ρ0 = 1010cm-2 and representative values for the parameter ρ = 0.5 (1), 1 (2), 2 (3); (b) absolute TD density in case ρ = 1 and various initial densities ρ0=1010 (1), 109 (2), 108 (3) cm-2. For all plots the dislocation reaction parameter κ = 100 nm. The total layer thickness includes both redirection and reaction parts.