Sharp’s New Natural Toning ZENIGATA LED Line Dims to Warm CCT
Sharp Devices Europe has announced a new line of LEDs with a single emitting surface that produces warmer light when dimmed. The new Natural Toning LEDs vary their colour temperatures across a range from 3000K to 2000K and come in two sizes, Mega and Mini.
LED efficiency, incandescent colour response:
Standard LEDs normally maintain a constant colour temperature regardless of intensity. In this respect, they differ from halogen and incandescent bulbs, which make warmer light when dimmed. To reproduce this black body curve familiar from incandescent lighting, Sharp has designed a new line of dim-to-warm LEDs that require no additional controls beyond a dimmer.
Ideal for home and hospitality applications:
In restaurants and at home, we have come to expect a warm glow when the lights are turned down low. Tunable LEDs are one way to achieve that result, but at the cost of additional control equipment and the associated expense. With its new Natural Toning LEDs, Sharp has integrated the control circuitry right on the LED device itself. The new Sharp LEDs produce warmer light as current declines, mimicking incandescent lighting.
Outstanding colour quality:
Especially for high-end commercial and retail applications, colour quality is a major factor impacting both lighting design and interior decorating choices. The new Natural Toning LEDs from Sharp provide very high colour quality, with typical CRIs ranging between 92 and 94 across their intensity range. The warmer and cooler blocks of these phosphorcoated LEDs are also combined under a single light emitting surface, ensuring uniform colour distribution without the complexity of RGB-array solutions.
Flexibility and power:
At an operating current of 350 mA, the Natural Toning Mini ZENIGATA delivers up to 1000 lumens with a colour temperature of 3000K. When dimmed down to 50 mA, the Mini puts out 105 lumens at 2000K. Its big brother, the Natural Toning Mega ZENIGATA, typically produces values ranging from a high of 2860 lumens at 950 mA and 3000K down to 155 lumens at 2000K.
For additional information, please visit or contact your local sales representative.
Application advantages:
By combing light intensity and colour temperature control in a single drive circuit with just one pair of terminals, Sharp’s new Natural Toning LEDs reduce the design complexity and installation cost of dim-to-warm LED solutions.
About Sharp Devices Europe (SDE):
Sharp Devices Europe GmbH, a limited company based in Munich, Germany, is a subsidiary of Sharp Corporation in Osaka, Japan. Worldwide, Sharp develops digital core technologies for next-generation electronic products and applications. SDE's broad portfolio includes more than 2,000 components: up to 90" TFT LCDs, 0.5W-100W LEDs, opto-electronics, CCD and CMOS camera sensors, RF and LSI components, and market-leading housing and integration technologies. This broad portfolio makes innovative solutions possible, in particular for applications in automotive electronics, mobile telephony and communications technology, industrial automation, TV and consumer electronics, e-signage and LED lighting technology. Innovation, quality and the sustainable use of natural resources are the focal points of Sharp's technology and product development work with the aim of improving the quality of all our lives and protecting the environment through one-of-a-kind technologies.