Practical Results of a Gas Station Refurbishment with LED Luminaires by the Electromagnetica SA Semiconductor Lighting Centre
Perfect lighting at a gas station is very important for competitiveness. But a conventional lighting system is also a costly and energy demanding installation with high maintenance costs. Stelian Matei from the Electromagnetica SA Semiconductor Lighting Centre shows how a well-planned upgrade of conventional lighting to LED lighting lowers energy consumption and maintenance and, therefore, costs.
LpR Article
Jul 04, 2016
Practical Results of a Gas Station Refurbishment with LED Luminaires by the Electromagnetica SA Semiconductor Lighting Centre
Perfect lighting at a gas station is very important for competitiveness. But a conventional lighting system is also a costly and energy demanding installation with high maintenance costs. Stelian Matei from the Electromagnetica SA Semiconductor Lighting Centre shows how a well-planned upgrade of conventional lighting to LED lighting lowers energy consumption and maintenance and, therefore, costs.